Source code for brian2genn.genn_generator

The code generator for the "genn" language. This is mostly C++ with some specific
decorators (mainly "__host__ __device__") to allow operation in a CUDA context.

from six import iteritems
from brian2.utils.stringtools import (deindent, stripped_deindented_lines,
from brian2.utils.logger import get_logger
from brian2.parsing.rendering import CPPNodeRenderer
from brian2.core.functions import Function, DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS
from brian2.core.preferences import prefs
from brian2.core.variables import ArrayVariable
from brian2.codegen.generators.base import CodeGenerator
from brian2.codegen.generators.cpp_generator import c_data_type
from brian2genn.insyn import check_pre_code

logger = get_logger('brian2.devices.genn')

__all__ = ['GeNNCodeGenerator']

[docs]def get_var_ndim(v, default_value=None): ''' Helper function to get the ``ndim`` attribute of a `DynamicArrayVariable`, falling back to the previous name ``dimensions`` if necessary. Parameters ---------- v : `ArrayVariable` The variable for which to retrieve the number of dimensions. default_value : optional A default value if the attribute does not exist Returns ------- ndim : int Number of dimensions ''' try: return v.ndim except AttributeError: try: return v.dimensions except AttributeError as ex: if default_value is not None: return default_value else: raise ex
_typestrs = ['int', 'long', 'float', 'double'] _hightype_support_code = 'template < typename T1, typename T2 > struct _higher_type;\n' for ix, xtype in enumerate(_typestrs): for iy, ytype in enumerate(_typestrs): hightype = _typestrs[max(ix, iy)] _hightype_support_code += ''' template < > struct _higher_type<{xtype},{ytype}> {{ typedef {hightype} type; }}; '''.format(hightype=hightype, xtype=xtype, ytype=ytype) _mod_support_code = ''' template < typename T1, typename T2 > #ifdef CPU_ONLY static inline typename _higher_type<T1,T2>::type #else __host__ __device__ static inline typename _higher_type<T1,T2>::type #endif _brian_mod(T1 x, T2 y) {{ return x-y*floor(1.0*x/y); }} ''' _floordiv_support_code = ''' template < typename T1, typename T2 > #ifdef CPU_ONLY static inline typename _higher_type<T1,T2>::type #else __host__ __device__ static inline typename _higher_type<T1,T2>::type #endif _brian_floordiv(T1 x, T2 y) {{ return floor(1.0*x/y); }} ''' _pow_support_code = ''' #ifdef _MSC_VER #define _brian_pow(x, y) (pow((double)(x), (y))) #else #define _brian_pow(x, y) (pow((x), (y))) #endif '''
[docs]class GeNNCodeGenerator(CodeGenerator): ''' "GeNN language" For user-defined functions, there are two keys to provide: ``support_code`` The function definition which will be added to the support code. ``hashdefine_code`` The ``#define`` code added to the main loop. ''' class_name = 'genn' universal_support_code = (_hightype_support_code + _mod_support_code + _floordiv_support_code + _pow_support_code) def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): super(GeNNCodeGenerator, self).__init__(*args, **kwds) self.c_data_type = c_data_type @property def restrict(self): return prefs['codegen.generators.cpp.restrict_keyword'] + ' ' @property def flush_denormals(self): return prefs['codegen.generators.cpp.flush_denormals']
[docs] @staticmethod def get_array_name(var, access_data=True): # We have to do the import here to avoid circular import dependencies. from brian2.devices.device import get_device device = get_device() if access_data: return '_ptr' + device.get_array_name(var) else: return device.get_array_name(var, access_data=False)
[docs] def translate_expression(self, expr): for varname, var in iteritems(self.variables): if isinstance(var, Function): try: impl_name = var.implementations[self.codeobj_class].name except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError('Function {} is not available ' 'for use with ' 'GeNN.'.format(getattr(var, 'name', getattr(var, '__name__', None)))) if impl_name is not None: expr = word_substitute(expr, {varname: impl_name}) return CPPNodeRenderer(auto_vectorise=self.auto_vectorise).render_expr(expr).strip()
[docs] def translate_statement(self, statement): var, op, expr, comment = (statement.var, statement.op, statement.expr, statement.comment) if op == ':=': decl = self.c_data_type(statement.dtype) + ' ' op = '=' else: decl = '' code = decl + var + ' ' + op + ' ' + self.translate_expression(expr) + ';' if len(comment): code += ' // ' + comment return code
[docs] def translate_to_read_arrays(self, statements): return []
[docs] def translate_to_declarations(self, statements): return []
[docs] def translate_to_statements(self, statements): read, write, indices, conditional_write_vars = self.arrays_helper(statements) lines = [] # the actual code for stmt in statements: line = self.translate_statement(stmt) if stmt.var in conditional_write_vars: subs = {} condvar = conditional_write_vars[stmt.var] lines.append('if(%s)' % condvar) lines.append(' '+line) else: lines.append(line) return lines
[docs] def translate_to_write_arrays(self, statements): return []
[docs] def translate_one_statement_sequence(self, statements, scalar=False): if len(statements) and self.template_name=='synapses': _, _, _, conditional_write_vars = self.arrays_helper(statements) vars_pre = [k for k, v in iteritems(self.variable_indices) if v=='_presynaptic_idx'] vars_syn = [k for k, v in iteritems(self.variable_indices) if v=='_idx'] vars_post = [k for k, v in iteritems(self.variable_indices) if v=='_postsynaptic_idx'] if '_pre_codeobject' in post_write_var, statements = check_pre_code(self, statements, vars_pre, vars_syn, vars_post, conditional_write_vars) if (post_write_var != None): self.owner._genn_post_write_var = post_write_var lines = [] lines += self.translate_to_statements(statements) code = '\n'.join(lines) return stripped_deindented_lines(code)
[docs] def denormals_to_zero_code(self): if self.flush_denormals: return ''' #define CSR_FLUSH_TO_ZERO (1 << 15) unsigned csr = __builtin_ia32_stmxcsr(); csr |= CSR_FLUSH_TO_ZERO; __builtin_ia32_ldmxcsr(csr); ''' else: return ''
def _add_user_function(self, varname, variable): impl = variable.implementations[self.codeobj_class] support_code = [] hash_defines = [] pointers = [] user_functions = [(varname, variable)] funccode = impl.get_code(self.owner) if isinstance(funccode, str): # Rename references to any dependencies if necessary for dep_name, dep in iteritems(impl.dependencies): dep_impl = dep.implementations[self.codeobj_class] dep_impl_name = if dep_impl_name is None: dep_impl_name = dep.pyfunc.__name__ if dep_name != dep_impl_name: funccode = word_substitute(funccode, {dep_name: dep_impl_name}) funccode = {'support_code': funccode} if funccode is not None: # To make namespace variables available to functions, we # create global variables and assign to them in the main # code func_namespace = impl.get_namespace(self.owner) or {} for ns_key, ns_value in iteritems(func_namespace): if hasattr(ns_value, 'dtype'): if ns_value.shape == (): raise NotImplementedError(( 'Directly replace scalar values in the function ' 'instead of providing them via the namespace')) type_str = c_data_type(ns_value.dtype) + '*' else: # e.g. a function type_str = 'py::object' support_code.append('static {0} _namespace{1};'.format(type_str, ns_key)) pointers.append('_namespace{0} = {1};'.format(ns_key, ns_key)) support_code.append(deindent(funccode.get('support_code', ''))) hash_defines.append(deindent(funccode.get('hashdefine_code', ''))) dep_hash_defines = [] dep_pointers = [] dep_support_code = [] if impl.dependencies is not None: for dep_name, dep in iteritems(impl.dependencies): if dep_name not in self.variables: # do not add a dependency twice self.variables[dep_name] = dep dep_impl = dep.implementations[self.codeobj_class] if dep_name != self.func_name_replacements[dep_name] = hd, ps, sc, uf = self._add_user_function(dep_name, dep) dep_hash_defines.extend(hd) dep_pointers.extend(ps) dep_support_code.extend(sc) user_functions.extend(uf) return (dep_hash_defines + hash_defines, dep_pointers + pointers, dep_support_code + support_code, user_functions)
[docs] def determine_keywords(self): # set up the restricted pointers, these are used so that the compiler # knows there is no aliasing in the pointers, for optimisation pointers = [] # It is possible that several different variable names refer to the # same array. E.g. in gapjunction code, v_pre and v_post refer to the # same array if a group is connected to itself handled_pointers = set() template_kwds = {} # Again, do the import here to avoid a circular dependency. from brian2.devices.device import get_device device = get_device() for varname, var in iteritems(self.variables): if isinstance(var, ArrayVariable): # This is the "true" array name, not the restricted pointer. array_name = device.get_array_name(var) pointer_name = self.get_array_name(var) if pointer_name in handled_pointers: continue if get_var_ndim(var, 1) > 1: continue # multidimensional (dynamic) arrays have to be treated differently line = '{0}* {1} {2} = {3};'.format(self.c_data_type(var.dtype), self.restrict, pointer_name, array_name) pointers.append(line) handled_pointers.add(pointer_name) # set up the functions user_functions = [] support_code = [] hash_defines = [] for varname, variable in list(iteritems(self.variables)): if isinstance(variable, Function): hd, ps, sc, uf = self._add_user_function(varname, variable) user_functions.extend(uf) support_code.extend(sc) pointers.extend(ps) hash_defines.extend(hd) # delete the user-defined functions from the namespace and add the # function namespaces (if any) for funcname, func in user_functions: del self.variables[funcname] func_namespace = func.implementations[self.codeobj_class].get_namespace(self.owner) if func_namespace is not None: self.variables.update(func_namespace) support_code.append(self.universal_support_code) keywords = {'pointers_lines': stripped_deindented_lines('\n'.join(pointers)), 'support_code_lines': stripped_deindented_lines('\n'.join(support_code)), 'hashdefine_lines': stripped_deindented_lines('\n'.join(hash_defines)), 'denormals_code_lines': stripped_deindented_lines('\n'.join(self.denormals_to_zero_code())), } keywords.update(template_kwds) return keywords
################################################################################ # Implement functions ################################################################################ # Functions that exist under the same name in C++ for func in ['sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'exp', 'log', 'log10', 'sqrt', 'ceil', 'floor']: DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS[func].implementations.add_implementation(GeNNCodeGenerator, code=None) # Functions that need a name translation for func, func_genn in [('arcsin', 'asin'), ('arccos', 'acos'), ('arctan', 'atan')]: DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS[func].implementations.add_implementation(GeNNCodeGenerator, code=None, name=func_genn) abs_code = ''' #define _brian_abs std::abs ''' DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['abs'].implementations.add_implementation(GeNNCodeGenerator, code=abs_code, name='_brian_abs') # Functions that need to be implemented specifically randn_code = ''' #ifdef CPU_ONLY double _ranf(uint64_t &seed) #else __host__ __device__ double _ranf(uint64_t &seed) #endif { uint64_t x; MYRAND(seed,x); return ((double)x)/MYRAND_MAX; } #ifdef CPU_ONLY double _randn(uint64_t &seed) #else __host__ __device__ double _randn(uint64_t &seed) #endif { double x1, x2, w; double y1, y2; do { x1 = 2.0 * _ranf(seed) - 1.0; x2 = 2.0 * _ranf(seed) - 1.0; w = x1 * x1 + x2 * x2; } while ( w >= 1.0 ); w = sqrt( (-2.0 * log( w ) ) / w ); y1 = x1 * w; return y1; } ''' DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['randn'].implementations.add_implementation(GeNNCodeGenerator, code=randn_code, name='_randn') rand_code = ''' #ifdef CPU_ONLY double _rand(uint64_t &seed) #else __host__ __device__ double _rand(uint64_t &seed) #endif { uint64_t x; MYRAND(seed,x); return ((double)x)/MYRAND_MAX; } ''' DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['rand'].implementations.add_implementation(GeNNCodeGenerator, code=rand_code, name='_rand') clip_code = ''' #ifdef CPU_ONLY double _clip(const float value, const float a_min, const float a_max) #else __host__ __device__ double _clip(const float value, const float a_min, const float a_max) #endif { if (value < a_min) return a_min; if (value > a_max) return a_max; return value; } ''' DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['clip'].implementations.add_implementation(GeNNCodeGenerator, code=clip_code, name='_clip') int_code = ''' #ifdef CPU_ONLY int int_(const bool value) #else __host__ __device__ int int_(const bool value) #endif { return value ? 1 : 0; } ''' DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['int'].implementations.add_implementation(GeNNCodeGenerator, code=int_code, name='int_') sign_code = ''' #ifdef CPU_ONLY template <typename T> int sign_(T val) #else template <typename T> __host__ __device__ int sign_(T val) #endif { return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0)); } ''' DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['sign'].implementations.add_implementation(GeNNCodeGenerator, code=sign_code, name='sign_') # Add support for the `timestep` function added in Brian 2.3.1 if 'timestep' in DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS: timestep_code = ''' #ifdef CPU_ONLY static inline int64_t _timestep(double t, double dt) #else __host__ __device__ static inline int64_t _timestep(double t, double dt) #endif { return (int64_t)((t + 1e-3*dt)/dt); }''' DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS['timestep'].implementations.add_implementation( GeNNCodeGenerator, code=timestep_code, name='_timestep')