Unsupported features in Brian2GeNN¶
Summed variables¶
Summed variables are currently not supported in GeNN due to the cross-
population nature of this feature. However, a simple form of summed
variable is supported and intrinsic to GeNN. This is the action of
‘pre’ code in a Synapses
definition onto a pre-synaptic
variable. The allowed interaction is summing onto one pre-synaptic
variable from each Synapses
Linked variables¶
Linked variables create a communication overhead that is problematic in GeNN. They are therefore at the moment not supported. In principle support for this feature could be added but in the meantime we suggest to look into avoiding linked variables by combining groups that are linked. For example
from brian2 import *
import brian2genn
# Common deterministic input
N = 25
tau_input = 5*ms
input = NeuronGroup(N, 'dx/dt = -x / tau_input + sin(0.1*t/ tau_input) : 1')
# The noisy neurons receiving the same input
tau = 10*ms
sigma = .015
eqs_neurons = '''
dx/dt = (0.9 + .5 * I - x) / tau + sigma * (2 / tau)**.5 * xi : 1
I : 1 (linked)
neurons = NeuronGroup(N, model=eqs_neurons, threshold='x > 1',
reset='x = 0', refractory=5*ms)
neurons.x = 'rand()'
neurons.I = linked_var(input, 'x') # input.x is continuously fed into neurons.I
spikes = SpikeMonitor(neurons)
could be replaced by
from brian2 import *
import brian2genn
N = 25
tau_input = 5*ms
# Noisy neurons receiving the same deterministic input
tau = 10*ms
sigma = .015
eqs_neurons = '''
dI/dt= -I / tau_input + sin(0.1*t/ tau_input) : 1')
dx/dt = (0.9 + .5 * I - x) / tau + sigma * (2 / tau)**.5 * xi : 1
neurons = NeuronGroup(N, model=eqs_neurons, threshold='x > 1',
reset='x = 0', refractory=5*ms)
neurons.x = 'rand()'
spikes = SpikeMonitor(neurons)
In this second solution the variable I is calculated multiple times within the ‘noisy neurons’, which in a sense is an unnecessary computational overhead. However, in the massively parallel GPU accelerators this is not necessarily a problem. Note that this method only works where the common input is deterministic. If the input had been:
input = NeuronGroup(1, 'dx/dt = -x / tau_input + (2 /tau_input)**.5 * xi : 1')
i.e. contains a random element, then moving the common input into the ‘noisy neuron’ population would make it individual, independent noisy inputs with likely quite different results.
Custom events¶
GeNN does not support custom event types in addition to the standard threshold and reset, they can therefore not be used with the Brian2GeNN backend.
Heterogeneous delays¶
At the moment, GeNN only has support for a single homogeneous delay for each
synaptic population. Brian simulations that use heterogeneous delays can
therefore not use the Brian2GeNN backend. In simple cases with just a few
different delay values (e.g. one set of connections with a short and another
set of connections with a long delay), this limitation can be worked around by
creating multiple Synapses
objects with each using a homogeneous delay.
Multiple synaptic pathways¶
GeNN does not have support for multiple synaptic pathways as Brian 2 does, you
can therefore only use a single pre
and post
pathway with Brian2GeNN.
Timed arrays¶
Timed arrays post a problem in the Brian2GeNN interface because they necessitate communication from the timed array to the target group at runtime that would result in host to GPU copies in the final CUDA/C++ code. This could lead to large inefficiences and for the moment we have therefore decided to not support this feature.
Multiple clocks¶
GeNN is by design operated with a single clock with a fixed time step across the entire simulation. If you are using multiple clocks and they are commensurate, please reformulate your script using just the fastest clock as the standard clock. If your clocks are not commensurate, and this is essential for your simulation, Brian2GeNN can unfortunately not be used.
Multiple runs¶
GeNN is designed for single runs and cannot be used for the Brian style
multiple runs. However, if this is of use, code can be run repeatedly
“in multiple runs” that are completely independent. This just needs
and device.activate()
issued after the run(runtime)
Note, however, that these multiple runs are completely independent, i.e. for the second run the code generation pipeline for Brian2GeNN is repeated in its entirety which may incur a measurable delay.
Multiple networks¶
Multiple networks cannot be supported in the Brian2GeNN
interface. Please use only a single network, either by creating it explicitly
as a Network
object or by not creating any (i.e. using Brian’s “magic”
Custom schedules¶
GeNN has a fixed order of operations during a time step, Brian’s more flexible
scheduling model (e.g. changing a network’s schedule or individual objects’
attribute) can therefore not be used.